Faculty of Agriculture Staff
Staff Academic Disposition and Contacts
Name | Qualifications | Academic Position | Department | |
Dr. Molumeli, P.A.
Dip. Agric Engineering (CSU) USA; B.Sc. Agronomy (CSU) USA; M.Sc. Agronomy (SDSU) USA; Ph.D. Edaph. (ColPos) Mexico. | Senior Lecturer (Head of Dept.) | Soil Science and Resource Conservation | polilemolumeli@gmail.com |
Dr. Mapeshoane, B.E.
Dip. Forest & Resou. Conserv. (LAC) Lesotho; B.Sc. Hons. Agric. (NUL) Lesotho; M.Sc. Soil Science & Land Mgt. (Sokoine Univ.) Tanzania; Ph.D. Soil Science (UFS) RSA. | Senior Lecturer | Soil Science and Resource Conservation
Mr. Nkheloane, T.J.
B.Sc. Agric. (Soil Science) (NUL) Lesotho; MSc. Agric. (Soil Science) (NUL) Lesotho. | Lecturer | Soil Science and Resource Conservation
Prof. Marake, M.V.
B.Sc. Agronomy (CSU) USA; Ph.D. & M.Sc. Agronomy (UNeb-Lincoln) USA. | Senior Lecturer | Soil Science and Resource Conservation | mv.marake@nul.ls |
Mrs. Malitse, M.
Cert. Agric. (LAC) | Lab Technician | Soil Science and Resource Conservation | mashaomalitse@yahoo.com |
Dr. Sekoli, S.M.
B.Sc. (Biology, Chemistry) NUL; MSc. Horticulture (Pomology) (Washington State University) USA; Ph.D. Plants Physiology (UFS) RSA. | Lecturer | Crop Science | sekolis@yahoo.co.uk |
Dr. Liphoto, M.
B.Sc. Agriculture (NUL); M.Sc Agricultural Studies (Plant Breeding and Biotechnology) (University of Queensland) Australia; Ph.D. (Plant Biotechnology) (University of Stellenbosch) RSA. | Lecturer | Crop Science | mc.liphoto@nul.ls |
Mrs. Letuma, P.
Dip. Agricultural Education (NUL); B.Sc. Agriculture (NUL); M.Sc. Crop Science (NUL). | Lecturer
Crop Science | pletuma@yahoo.com |
Ms. Lekota, M.
Dip. General Agriculture (LAC); B.Sc. Agriculture (NUL); M.Sc. Plant Biotechnology (University of Sydney) Australia. | Lecturer | Crop Science | lebolek@yahoo.com |
Dr. Morojele, M. E. | Diploma in Agriculture (LAC); B.Sc. Agriculture (University of Swaziland), Swaziland; M.Sc. in Agronomy (University of Zambia), Zambia; PhD in Plant Breeding (University of Orange Free State) South Africa. | Senior Lecturer | Crop Science | motlatsimorojele@yahoo.com |
Mr. Motake, M.S. | M.Sc. Farm Mechanization. Byelorussian Institute of Agricultural Mechanisation. Minsk. USSR PG Diploma Engineering Development Technologies. Melbourne University, Australia | Lecturer | Crop Science | smotake@yahoo.com |
Mr. Masupha, P.
Dip. Agricultural Education (LAC); B.Sc. Agriculture (NUL); M.Sc. Plant Protection, (University of Zimbabwe) Zimbabwe. | Lecturer | Crop Science | pvmasupha@yahoo.com |
Ms. Sebitia, M. | B.Sc. Agriculture (Crop Science) (NUL). | Technician | Crop Science | msebitia@gmail.com |
Mr. Nkhabu, K. J.
B.Sc. Agric. (NUL) | Research Assistant | Crop Science | kjnkhabu@nul.ls |
Name | Qualifications | Academic Position | Department | |
Dr. Molapo, S.M.
Dip. Agricultural Education (NUL); B.Sc. Agriculture (NUL); M.Sc Animal Science (NUL); Ph.D. Animal Production Management (University of Pretoria) RSA. | Senior Lecturer | Animal Science | sm.molapo@nul.ls // setsomimolapo@yahoo.com |
Prof. Odenya, W.
Dip. Range Management (Egerton) Kenya; B.Sc. Animal Science (New Mexico State University) USA; Ph.D. Animal Breeding and Genetics (University of Florida) USA. | Associate Professor | Animal Science | wo.odenya@nul.ls // woodenya@gmail.com |
Dr. Adoko, G.M.
B. Vet. Med. (University of Nairobi) Kenya; M.Sc. Animal Science (University of Edinburgh) UK; MBA (UFS) RSA. | Senior Lecturer | Animal Science | gm.adoko@nul.ls // gmadoko@yahoo.com |
Mr. Kuleile, N.P.
Dip. Agriculture (LAC); B.Sc. Agriculture (NUL); M.Sc. Animal Nutrition (UFS) RSA. | Lecturer | Animal Science | nkuleile@yahoo.com |
Mr. Ntakatsane, M.P.
B.Sc. Agriculture (NUL); M.Sc. Food Science and Technology (Jiangnan University) China. | Lecturer | Animal Science | pmntakatsane@yahoo.com // pmntakatsane@nul.ls |
Mr. Mosebi, P.
B.Sc. Agriculture (NUL);
M.Sc. Pasture Science (University of Pretoria) RSA. |
Lecturer | Animal Science | pe.mosebi@nul.ls // mosebipe@yahoo.com |
Mrs. Molahloe, T. | BSc. Agric (Animal Science) (NUL) | Lab. Instructor | Animal Science | molahloe2@yahoo.com |
Mr. Mahlaha, M.
BSc. Agric (NUL), Dip. Gen. Agric. (LAC) Lesotho, Dip. Animal Health & Production (Bostwana College of Agric) Botswana | Farm Manager | NUL Farm | |
Mrs. Bohloa M.
Dip. Agriculture (LAC); B.Sc. Agriculture (NUL); M.Sc. Agric Economics (University of Zimbabwe) Zimbabwe. | Lecturer | Agricultural Economics and Extension | matsibela.bohloa@gmail.com |
Dr. Nkhabutlane, P.
B.Sc. Home Economics (UNISWA); M.Sc. Consumer Science (Stellenbosch) RSA; Ph.D. Consumer Science – Food Mgt. (University of Pretoria) RSA. | Lecturer | Agricultural Economics and Extension | pn111@hotmail.com |
Mr. Rantlo, A.M.
B.Sc. Agric Economics (Fort Hare); B.Sc. Agricultural Economics (Hons.) (Fort Hare) RSA; M.Sc. Agricultural Economics (Fort Hare) RSA. | Lecturer | Agricultural Economics and Extension | amontoeli@yahoo.co.uk // am.rantlo@nul.ls |
Mrs. Likoetla, P.E.
Dip. Agricultural Education (NUL); B.Sc. (Agriculture) (NUL); M.Sc. (Agricultural and Resource Economics) (NUL). | Lecturer | Agricultural Economics and Extension | plikoetla@yahoo.com / plikoetla@gmail.com |
Mr. Williams, R.F.
B.Sc. Agricultural Extension (New Mexico State University) USA; M.Sc. Agricultural Extension (University of Pretoria) RSA. | Lecturer | Agricultural Economics Extension | remaketsewilliams@yahoo.com |
Mrs. Nkoko, N. | B.Sc. Consumer Sciences (NUL). | Lab. Technician | Agricultural Economics and Extension | nthabelengnkoko@gmail.com |
Mrs. Chobokoane, C. M. | Diploma in Secretarial Studies | Senior Personal Secretary | Faculty Office | cmchbokoane@gmail.com |
Mrs. Monyane, M.
Business Studies (Lerotholi Polytechnic), Word processing & Advanced Word Processing (IDM) Lesotho | Secretary | Faculty Office | mh.monyane@nul.ls |
Ms. Lethunya, M.
B.Tech Office Management and Technology; N.Tech Office Management and Technology; Diploma in Secretarial Studies. | Assistant Registrar | Faculty Office | m.lethunya@nul.ls |