Department of Mathematics and Computer Science |
Computer Science Unit |
Name | Mr. Lebajoa Mphatsi |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B. Eng. (NUL), M.Sc. Eng. (UCT) |
Short Bio | Mr. Mphatsi is a lecturer in computer science and he teaches Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis, Wireless Networks, and Networks Management. He also supervises projects in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. His research interests include Mobility management for the next generation wireless networks, cross-layer designs and optimizations, Mobile radio communications, and Cognitive radio. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3515 |
Name | Dr. Lerato Lerato |
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc.Eng., MSc.Eng. (Cape Town), PhD (Stellenbosch) |
Short Bio | Dr. Lerato is a senior lecturer in Computer Science and specialises in teaching Special Topics in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Expert Systems. He has also served as a Tutor in the Faculty of Science and Technology and he was a member of Council of the National University of Lesotho. His research focuses on Speech Technology, Technology for people with visual disabilities and IP Telephony Platforms. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3519 |
Name | Lineo Mejaele-Mosehle |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Eng.(NUL); MSc. (UNISA) |
Short Bio
Mrs Mejaele-Mosehle is a lecturer in Computer Science and the current Computer Science coordinator. She teaches Information Systems courses such as Management Information Systems and Electronic Business Strategy. Her academic research interests include information security, governance, risk& compliance, and cyber security. In addition to teaching and researching, she represents the Faculty of Science in NUL HIV/AIDS committee. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3767 |
Name | Mr. Khotso Keta |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B. Eng. NUL, M. Sc. Eng. UCT |
Short Bio | Mr. Keta is a lecturer in computer science, teaching courses such as Multimedia Systems, Cryptography and Network Security, and Computer Networks. He also supervises final year projects in Computer Science. His research interests include Adaptive Video Streaming in Wireless Networks and Video Compression Algorithms. |
Contacts | / +266 5221 3516 |
Name | Mr. Kopano F. Moeketsi |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc, HDipCS, BSc Hons (CS), MEng |
Short Bio | I teach and conduct research in Computer Science. My research interests include: digital health systems, security of cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things (IoT), data and information security. |
Contacts | + 266 5221 3514 / +266 6378 7417 |
Name | Dr. Likeleli Qhomane-Letsie |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B. Com. IT. (UFS), M. Com. Informatics (UP), PhD (UP) |
Short Bio
Dr. Qhomane-Letsie is a lecturer in information systems and she teaches Topics in Human Computer Interaction and Databases. She also supervises projects in Computer Science and Information Systems. She is a registered member of IITPSA as well as being an advisory board member of GEM Institute. Her research interests include ICT in education, eHealth Systems and ICT4D. |
Contacts | +266 58814296 |
Name | Mr. Mofana Mphaka |
Position | Assistant Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (NUL), PGDip.(Essex) |
Short Bio | Mr. Mphaka teaches courses in the following fields: Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Discrete Mathematics, Digital Logic Design, Compiler Construction and Design, Theory of Computation, Numerical Analysis, and Programming (C++, Prolog, Pascal, etc). |
Contacts | +266 5221 3518 |
Name | Mrs. Mookho Kheleli |
Position | Teaching Assistant |
Qualifications | B.Eng. (NUL) |
Short Bio | Mrs. Kheleli teaches courses such as Java Programming for Scientists and Management Information systems. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3779 |
Name | Mr. Ntoane Lekuba |
Position | Demonstrator |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (NUL) |
Short Bio | Mr. Ntoane is a demonstrator in Computer Science |
Contacts | +266 5221 3117 |
Name | Mr. Ndaba Balone |
Position | Demonstrator |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (NUL) |
Short Bio | Mr. Balone is a demonstrator in Computer Science |
Contacts | +266 5221 3880 |
Name | Mr. Pitso W. Mothibe |
Position | Demonstrator |
Qualifications | B. Eng. (NUL) |
Short Bio | Mr. Mothibe is a demonstrator in Computer Science. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3490 / +266 5396 4223 |
Mathematics Unit |
Name | Prof. Eunice Kolitsoe Moru |
Position | Associate Professor |
Qualifications | B. Sc. Ed. (NUL), M. Sc. (Bristol), PhD (UWC) |
Short Bio | Prof. Moru is an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (MACS) at the National University of Lesotho(NUL). She obtained her degree in Bachelor of Science in Education (in physics and mathematics) from NUL in 1985 and her Master in Education from the University of Bristol in 1995. She was awarded a degree in Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Education by the University of the Western Cape under the project abbreviated GRASSMATE (Graduate studies in science, mathematics and technology education) in 2006. She was promoted to the position of senior lecturer in 2009 and to that of Associate Professor in 2015.
She is an advocate of deep approach to learning as opposed to surface approach to learning. She is involved in the supervision of research projects and theses for students pursuing masters in mathematics education in the Department of Science Education. Her administrative experience includes having been a Pre-Entry Science Programme (PESP) coordinator and a tutor. She has also taken part (and still isin some) in a number of university committees (e.g. Dean of Student Affairs (DSA) Adhoc Committee, Faculty of Science and Technology (FOST) representative in Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS), FOST representative in the Sub-ASAC of FSS. Her community service includes that of being in the Education advisory council and having been a member of mathematics panel at the National Curriculum Development Centre. Her research interest is mainly in effective classroom teaching and teacher development. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3487 |
Name | Dr L. V. Rammea |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc., B.Sc. Hon. (NUL), M.Sc. (Liverpool), Ph.D (Bath) |
Short Bio | Dr. Rammea is a Lecturer in Mathematics. His research interests are in Computational Algebraic Geometry, Group Theory, Linear Algebra, Topology, Homological Algebra, Lie Algebras, and Number Theory. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3437 |
Name | Prof. M. Molati |
Position | Associate Professor & Head of Department of Mathematics and Computer Science |
Qualifications | BSc (Math & Physics – NUL), BSc Hon., MSc, PhD (Applied Mathematics – WITS). |
Short Bio | Assoc. Prof. Molati lectures in Mathematics, teaching Mechanics, and Ordinary Differential Equations. His research interests are in Continuum Mechanics, General Relativity, and Financial Mathematics. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3434 |
Name | Mr. Ngaka John Nchejane |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B. Sc. Ed(Mathematics & Physics), Pg. Dip. (Mathematical Sciences), M. Sc. Mathematical Modelling/Engineering |
Short Bio | Mr. Nchejane is a Lecturer in Mathematics, teaching Applied Mathematics. His research interests are in Numerical Analysis, and Mathematical Modeling and Engineering. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3765 |
Name | Mamello ‘Matumelo Leboko |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | MSc in Financial Mathematics (UCT), BSc (NUL) |
Short Bio | Mamello Matumelo Leboko is a Mathematics Lecturer in the Department of MACS at National University of Lesotho, teaching applied Mathematics courses. Imparting knowledge and changing perception in life are her passion. She obtained BSc in Mathematics and Statistics at NUL and MSc in Financial Mathematics at UCT. Her research interests in Financial Mathematics are on credit derivatives.
She represented the department of MACS and Faculty of Science and Technology in FSS board meetings. As the administrator, she was a Mathematics coordinator and currently the acting HoD of the department of MACS. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3435 |
Name | Ms. Mabatho Ellen Thakedi |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc (NUL), BSc Hons, MSc (Wits) |
Short Bio | Mabatho Thakedi is a Lecturer in Mathematics in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science, teaching pure Mathematics courses. Her research interest is in Fuzzy Logic. |
Contacts | +26652213438 / +26622340000 Email: |
Name | Mr. Maile Khati |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc. in Mathematics & Computer Science (NUL), PGD in Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics (NUL) |
Short Bio | Mr. Khati lectures in Mathematics. His research interests are in Financial Mathematics |
Contacts | +266 5221 33517 |
Name | Mr. Mmile Seitlheko |
Position | Assistant Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (Mathematics & Computer Science – NUL), PGD (Mathematical Sciences – AIMS). |
Short Bio | Mr. Seitlheko is an Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics, teaching Algebra I for Non-Science Majors, Introduction to Metric Spaces, Real Analysis I, and Real Analysis II. His research interests are in Analysis of algorithms, Computational Algebra, Cryptography, and Number Theory. |
Contacts | / +266 5221 3298 |
Name | Mr Wetsi Poka |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (Mathematics & Computer Science – NUL), PGD (Mathematical Sciences – AIMS), M. Sc. (UKZN), PhD (in progress) UP |
Short Bio | Mr. Poka is a Lecturer in Mathematics, Calculus I for Non-Science Majors, Numerical Analysis I, and Vector Calculus. His research interests are in Analysis of algorithms, Computational Modeling, Numerical Analysis, and Epidemiology. |
Name | Mr. Mosito Lekhooana |
Position | Demonstrator |
Qualifications | B.Sc. Mathematics & Computer Science, NUL |
Short Bio | Mr. Lekhooana is a Demonstrator in Mathematics. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3517 |
Department of Physics and Electronics |
Name | Molibeli Taele |
Position | Professor |
Qualifications | B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons) (NUL), PG. Dip, M.Sc. and PhD (Lancaster, UK) |
Short Bio | Molibeli Taele is a Professor of Applied Physics (semiconductor devices and photovoltaic systems). His research expertise includes semiconductor materials, photovoltaics and sustainable energy development. He has published more than 30 scientific journal articles on semiconductor materials, sustainable energy development, including contribution to the mitigation component of the Lesotho Nationally Determined Contribution to the 2015 Agreement under the UNFCCC and lead coordinating author of the Lesotho Second National Communications to the UNFCCC published in 2013.
He has made over 30 contributed and invited presentations at international conferences. He has received many honours, amongst them the Lesotho Lions Clubs International prize for best performance in Physics in 1991, National Science Prize for his active role in promotion of Science and Technology in 2006. In 2007 he was elected TWAS Young Affiliate. In 2008 he was selected to participate as 1 of 43 leading “Young Scientists” from around the world at the Annual Meeting of the New Champions of the World Economic Forum in Tianjin, China. In 2008 he was selected to participate as 1 of 10 young and upcoming scientists from around the world at the 5th Annual Meeting of Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum’s Future Leaders programme, Kyoto, Japan. He is one of the founding members of the Global Young Academy. He is a member of Board of Directors of Lesotho Electricity Company (Pty) Ltd. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3532 |
Name | Dr. N. B. Maliehe |
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons) (NUL), M.Sc. and DPhil (Sussex, UK) |
Short Bio | Dr. Maliehe teaches a number of general Physics modules and conducts research in Upwards movement of tiny water drops on very thin inclined substrates, Self-sustaining and continuous water pumping through a eucalyptus double leaf channel, Magnetic Susceptibility of Carbon Nanotubes with electron-electron interactions and Electronic Density of States in layered systems exhibiting proximity effects and the Andreev-Reflection phenomena. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3532 |
Name | Dr. Moeketsi Mpholo |
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (NUL), MPhil and PhD (Cambridge, UK) |
Short Bio | Dr. Mpholo is the leader of the Energy Research Centre at NUL. He teaches electronics modules: Introductory electronics, semiconductors and microelectronics. His research interests include Renewable Energy focusing on resource assessment (wind profile, solar irradiation, etc). He has published widely on Solar and Wind Energy matters. He continuously works with a number of companies and development partners on renewable energy projects.
Moreover, he collaborates on research projects and teaching programs with a number of regional universities and three American universities. His current teaching load and passion address soft skills for scientists, such as, critical thinking, written & oral communication, and entrepreneurship in order to contribute to a decent standard of living for all. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3529 |
Name | Prof. Himanshu Narayan |
Position | Full Professor (Physics) |
Qualifications | Ph.D. (Physics) & M.Sc. (Physics) from GB Pant University, Pantnagar, India;
B.Sc. (Physics Honours) from Ranchi University, Ranchi, India. |
Short Bio
Prof. Himanshu Narayan is a Professor of Physics and former Head of the Department of Physics & Electronics at National University of Lesotho (NUL).
Prof. Narayan’s teaching activities span a wide range of undergraduate Physics (quantum- and classical-mechanics, solid state and modern physics, etc) and his prime research interests have been in the broad area of Materials Science. He obtained his Ph.D. (Physics) in 2000 from GB Pant University, India with a UFUP fellowship for investigations on swift heavy-ions irradiation induced structural modifications of solids, at Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi, India. After Ph.D., he carried out Post-Doctoral research at Superconductivity Group, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi with a Senior Research Associateship awarded by the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India. As a Materials Scientist, his focussed area of research interest is nanoscience and nanotechnology. His current research is centred around nanomaterials for wastewater treatment under sunlight. Starting with swift heavy ion irradiation induced effects, superconductivity, various nanocomposite materials and solar energy utilization, he has been constantly involved in multi-disciplinary research. He joined NUL in 2003 as a Lecturer, and since then he has been the in-charge of the X-ray Diffraction Lab. He had been instrumental in establishing the NUL Innovation Hub and Energy Research Centre; and also in mounting the M.Sc. (Sustainable Energy) programme as a member of Advisory Board.
Memberships of professional bodies: 1. Associate Member: Institute of Nanotechnology (IoN), UK since February 2013. 2. Member: National University of Lesotho Research & Innovations Committee (NULRIC) since 2016. 3. Lifetime Member: Scientific & Technical Research Association (STRA) from May 2018. 4. Assistant Editor: Materials International since January 2020.
Other Memberships: 5. Represented the Department of Physics & Electronics in Faculty of Science & Technology Accreditation Committee (FoSTAC) (2012 to 2016). 6. Appointed Member of the Faculty Planning Sub-Committee on Semesterization (since 2014). 7. Member of Advisory Board for Master’s Programme in Sustainable Energy at NUL (2017-18). 8. Group-leader of the Materials Science & Nanotechnology Research Group (within Department of Physics & Electronics) (since August 2015). 9. One of the Founding Members of Phutha-Lichaba Savings & Credit Cooperative Society (PSCCS) & Acumen Consuls. 10. Nominated Ambassador & Member of the Panel of Judges/Advisers of South African Start-up Awards: SASA. 11. Nominated Member in the Panel of Judges for the NUL-UNDP-Vodacom Hackathon under NULISTICE2020. |
Contacts | /
+266 5221 3521 / +266 5953 5977
Profiles: Facebook: LinkedIn: ResearchGate: Google Scholar: Twitter: |
Name | Dr. Madan Singh |
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (Meerut, India), M.Sc. and PhD (G.B. Pant, India) |
Short Bio | Dr. Singh teaches undergraduate Physics modules in condensed matter physics and his research interests are Condensed Matter Physics, High temperature High pressure Physics, Thermoelastic properties of nanomaterials. |
Contacts: | +266 5221 33531 |
Name | Dr. Molefe Makhele |
Position | Senior Lecturer & Head of Department of Physics and Electronics |
Qualifications | B.Eng.(Hons), M.Sc.(Eng), PhD (Leeds, UK) |
Short Bio | Dr. Makhele teaches electrical/electronic engineering courses in the Department of Physics and Electronics at NUL. He is a member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and as well as the Energy Research Centre at NUL. He holds a PhD in electrical/electronic engineering from the university of Leeds. He has been in the industry from late 1999 to 2006 and joined the Department of Physics and Electronics at NUL in the third quarter of 2006 as an instructor in telecommunications courses in the Engineering program.
His research interests include: assessment of conventional and pumped storage hydropower’s benefits to transmission systems, renewable energy integration strategies (using hydro), simulation and optimization models for operational improvements. He also works on Digital signal processing for communications, speech and image processing, Wireless communications, Wireless ad-hoc networks (vehicular ad-hoc and mobile ad-hoc networks), Emerging Cellular and new network architectures for 5G. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3528 |
Name | Mr. Moeketsi P. Mathaha |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (Manitoba, Canada), M.Sc. (Curtin, Australia) |
Short Bio | Mr. Mathaha has been a consultant in the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry for many years and he now teaches thermodynamics and modern physics. His research interests are in utilization of renewable energy technologies for electricity generation in non-grid rural electrification. |
Contacts | |
Name | Dr. Naleli Jubert Matjelo |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BEng Electronics Engineering (NUL), MSc Electrical Engineering (UCT), PhD Physics (SUN) |
Short Bio
Academic Background:
– Completed his BEng in Electronics Engineering at the National University of Lesotho (NUL). – At the University of Cape Town (UCT) in the Electrical Engineering department (in conjunction with iThemba LABS), he completed his MSc which focused on applying concepts of computer vision, image processing and control theory to solve a medical image processing problem involving prostate cancer. – At the Laser Research Institute (Stellenbosch University), in close relations with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), he completed his PhD in Atomic & Laser Physics focusing on demonstration (and control) of the first trapped Ytterbium ion qubits in Africa.
Research interests include: 1. Image processing & Computer vision, 2. Machine Learning & Data Science, 3. Adaptive Control & State Estimation, 4. RF Systems & Power Law Noise Modelling, 5. Ion Trapping & Quantum Computing, 6. Quantum Measurement & Feedback Control, 7. Quantum Foundations & Interpretations, 8. Econophysics & Quantum Economics.
Lecturing: Currently teaching the following courses in the department of Physics and Electronics; 1. P2500 Mechanics & Mechanical Properties of Matter, 2. P2508 Introduction to Electronics, 3. P441 Electromagnetic Theory II, 4. P443 Solid State Physics. |
Contacts |, +266 5221 3290 / +2665948 5762 |
Name | Mr. Mopeli Fabiane |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (NUL), PG. Dip. (ICTP, Italy), PhD (Pretoria, RSA, in progress) |
Short Bio | Mr. Fabiane teaches a number of general physics courses including thermodynamics and statistical physics. His research area is in Carbon technology and materials with specific activities in Large-area graphene film synthesis, characterization and applications in photovoltaic cells, supercapacitors and electronic devices. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3530 |
Name | Mr. Tsita Daniel Molapo |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (NUL), M.Eng. (Lehigh, USA) |
Short Bio | Mr. Molapo is a lecturer in the Department of Physics and Electronics at NUL and a member of the Energy Research Centre. He holds Masters of Engineering in Energy Systems Engineering from Lehigh University, USA; where he worked on Reliability and Efficiency Assessment of Lehigh Electricity Distribution System and Implementation of Fault Indicators on 12 kV feeder lines. His research interests include solar thermal systems, solar PV, wind energy and energy demand and supply modeling based on renewable energy technologies. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3525 |
Name | Mr. Seforo Mohlalisi |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Eng. (NUL), M.Sc. Physics (UCT, RSA) |
Short Bio | Mr. Mohlalisi’s duties involve teaching Analogue Circuit Design, Digital Circuit Design, and Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design (VLSI) and Supervision of student projects. His research Interests cover Reconfigurable Hardware, VLSI, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Astroparticle Physics. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3522 |
Name | Mr. Thabo Koetje |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Eng. (NUL), M.Sc. (Eng.) Electrical (UCT, RSA) |
Short Bio | Mr. Koetje’s teaches control systems and instrumentation, theory of electronics and conducts student project supervision. His research interests are in Optimisation and Multivariable Control, Control application in Renewable energy systems, Nuclear instrumentation and applications. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3523 |
Name | Mr. Rethabile Mokoena |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Eng. (NUL), M.Eng. (Wits, RSA) |
Short Bio | Mr. Mokoena teaches microcontrollers, control systems and instrumentation and conducts student project supervision. His research interests are in embedded controllers built around microcontrollers and Software for control engineering applications. |
Contacts | |
Name | Mr. Sebota Mokeke |
Position | Demonstrator |
Qualifications | B.Eng. (NUL), MSc Sustainable Energy (NUL) |
Short Bio | Mr. Mokeke is a Laboratory Instructor in the Department of Physics and Electronics and the member of the Energy Research Center. He holds MSc in Sustainable Energy from National University of Lesotho. His research interests include assessment of impact renewable energy generators to the grid, modelling simulations and optimization of microgrids, energy management systems and design and evaluation of solar thermal systems. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3428 |
Name | Mr. Sekhants’o Lara |
Position | Physics Demonstrator |
Qualifications | BSc. Mathematics & Physics (NUL), Honours in Physics (UFS), MSc. Physics (in progress UFS) |
Short Bio | Mr. Lara is in charge of Physics practicals and tutorials Work in 1st year physics laboratory; responsible for conducting physics tutorials and experiments; marking tests and exams. His research interests are related to material science and nanotechnology (under experimental and solid state physics). |
Contacts | +266 5221 3291 |
Name | Mr. Moruti Kao |
Position | Demonstrator |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (NUL), MSc in Sustainable Energy (NUL) |
Short Bio | Mr. Kao is the Demonstrator in the Department of Physics and Electronics and the member of the Energy Research Center. He is in charge of Physics practicals and tutorials. He holds MSc in Sustainable Energy from National University of Lesotho. His research interests are primarily on mini-grids systems design and analysis (solar PV, wind) as well as performance analysis of solar thermal systems. |
Contacts | |
Name | Mr. Anthony Matobo |
Position | Chief Technical Officer |
Qualifications | BTEC National Diploma (Ulster, Ireland) |
Short Bio | Mr. Matobo oversees the smooth running of the departmental daily business such as Staff office allocation & supply of Stationary, Laboratory & Research Equipment Procurement, Supervision of laboratory sessions (both Physics & Engineering) and 4th Year Physics Manual revision. He is in charge of Physics Final year lab sessions and a unit in EE 4210, Repair of Laboratory Equipment within the Faculty and overseeing of DOPE equipment and repair of them. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3903 |
Name | Mr. Anadola Tsiu |
Position | Principal Technical Officer |
Qualifications | Dip. Electrical Eng. (Lerotholi Polytechnic) |
Short Bio | Mr. Tsiu is in charge of Second Year Physics laboratory and some units in EE 4210 (workshop practice), PCB fabrication, electrical wiring, Repair of Laboratory Equipment within the department. He also operates and maintains the following research equipment, Scanning electron microscope (SEM), x-ray diffractometer (XRD), crystal grower, sputtering unit and Arch melter. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3905 |
Name | Mr. John Potsanyane |
Position | Assistant Lab Technician |
Qualifications | COSC (Christ the King) |
Short Bio | Mr. Potsanyane is in charge of First Year Physics laboratory and repair of Laboratory Equipment. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3892 |
Department of Biology and Biotechnology |
Name | Mr. Moeketsi Phalatsi |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc. NUL, B.Sc. (Honours), University of the Free State, M.Sc. University of the Free State |
Short Bio | Mr. Phalatsi is a lecturer in Biology, teaching in Animal development, Zoology, and Parasitology. His research interests Parasitology. |
Contacts | |
Name | Mrs. ‘Matsepo Motselisi Taole |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | M.Sc Veterinary Biotechnology, University of Free State, 2000. PhD Phylogenetics and Population Genetics, University of Pretoria, 2013 |
Short Bio | Mrs. Taole is a lecturer in Biology, teaching in Microbiology, Biotechnological methods and Microbial physiology. Her research interests include Identification and characterization of pathogens that cause diseases of crops for effective control and treatment of plant diseases; isolation and identification of endophytic fungi and bacteria associated with medicinal plants. Such microorganisms that live inside plants could be potentially important in producing pharmaceutical compounds found in the plants. |
Contacts | |
Name | Professor A.O. Asita |
Position | Professor |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (Honours) in Genetics, University of Aberdeen (1979), M.Sc. (1982) and Ph.D. Cytogenetics (1986), University of Wales in Swansea. |
Short Bio | Dr. Asita is a professor in Biology and he teaches Introduction to genetics and Animal development, Biotechnological methods, and Genetics. He research interest are in Genetic Effects of Environmental Chemicals and pesticides and the modulatory effects of extracts of medicinal plants on the mutagenicity of direct and indirect acting mutagens in meristem cells of onion root tips and the micronucleus assay in mice.
Studies on agents that modulate carcinogen-induced genotoxicity in genotoxicity assay systems provide end points that can be used to assess the anti-mutagenic properties of putative chemopreventive compounds. Antioxidant properties of medicinal plants because antioxidants decrease mutagenesis, and thus carcinogenesis by decreasing oxidative DNA damage and by decreasing cell division. Much of the protective effect of fruits and vegetables has been attributed to phytochemicals. |
Contacts | |
Name | Dr. Peter Chatanga |
Position | Senior Lecturer & Head of Department of Biology and Biotechnology |
Qualifications | MSc. (Tropical Resource Ecology) – 2007 (University of Zimbabwe); BSc. (Hons) in Biological Sciences – 2003 (University of Zimbabwe); Diploma in Biblical Studies and Christian Leadership – 2013 (AMFCC, Pretoria, South Africa) |
Short Bio | Dr. Chatanga teaches Pre-Entry Science Programme– Biology; Introductory Plant Diversity; Introductory Ecology; Lower Plants; Advanced Ecology. His research interest are in Biodiversity, plant-animal interactions, systems ecology, biological resources management, structure and dynamics of ecological communities, ecosystem ecology, landscape ecology, conservation plant ecology, alien plant species ecology, climate change, ecosystem services, sustainable development. |
Contacts | |
Name | Dr. Sibusisiwe MAGAMA |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | MSc. (1990) Moldavian State University (Kishinev, Moldavia): Biochemistry, PHD (2001) (Bloemfontein, RSA): (Interdisciplinary) University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, Republic of South Africa. |
Short Bio | Dr. Magama teaches Biochemistry; Primary and Secondary metabolism, Cell Biology and Methods in Biotechnology. His research interests are in Biological activity of traditional medicinal plants. Selected plant species are assessed for the following bioactivities: antinociceptive, antitumour, anti-inflammatory, antiedematogenic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and for toxicity. Phytochemical compositions of extracts are also studied. |
Contacts | |
Name | Dr. Benard O. Abong’o |
Position | Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology and Biotechnology |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (University of Nairobi, Kenya), M.Sc. (University of Botswana) and PhD (University of Fort Hare, South Africa) |
Short Bio
Dr. Benard O. Abong’o is a senior lecturer in the Department of Biology and Biotechnology. He teaches Introductory Cell Biology and Microbiology, Microbiology and Water and Industrial Microbiology and coordinates Biotechnology program. He has research interest in quantitative microbial risk assessment of food and food products; water and wastewater quality analysis as well as molecular fingerprinting of microbial pathogens. Dr. Abong’o has expertise in Molecular Diagnostics, DNA extraction, Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR) and Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA). He has published more than 25 articles in the field of Microbiology; Molecular Microbiology and Public Health. He is also actively involved in the exploration of antimicrobial activity of plant extracts and their application in the formulation of personal care products such as soaps and cosmetics. He is a member of Kenya Academy of Sciences. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3446 / +266 5195 3606 |
Name | Prof. Sissay Bekele Mekbib |
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc in Biology & MSc in Applied Microbiology (Addis Ababa University), PhD in Applied Microbiology (University of Pretoria) |
Short Bio | Prof. Mekbib is a Senior Lecturer in Microbiology in the Department of Biology and Biotechnology, the National University of Lesotho. He teaches Microbiology, Growth and Death of Microorganisms, Microbial Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. He is working in various related areas of his expertise including solid and liquid waste management, bioenergy, food safety, soil microbiology and water quality. He has published several articles in refereed journals and a book on citrus postharvest bio-control using plant extracts and microbial antagonists. He supervised two MSc and more than 21 honours Biotechnology research projects in collaboration with other faculties.
The current pilot scale biofuel project on sewage water microalgae lead by him is about to be completed. The facility will generate a good deal of ideas in action to be implemented using our resources in Lesotho. His research interests are in Applied Microbiology in Agriculture, Environment, Biofuel, Wastewater treatment and Health, Biological control (pre-and postharvest fruit crop diseases), rhizosphere soil microorganisms, biological nitrogen fixation, microbial waste treatment, water quality and food safety. |
Contacts | |
Name | Mr. Victor Ntuli |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc Hons Applied Biology and Biochemistry (NUST, Zimbabwe), MSc Biotechnology (University of Zimbabwe) |
Short Bio | Mr. Ntuli teaches Introduction to Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Principles. His research interests are in Microbiological Food & Water Safety aspects and Risk Analysis. Molecular characterization of food & water pathogens and effect that food processing has on the adaptation of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria. |
Contacts | |
Name | Ms. Sebabatso Mokhochane |
Position | Demonstrator |
Qualifications | BSc General in Biology and Chemistry (NUL) |
Short Bio
Miss Mokhochane is a Demonstrator in Biology, she supervises in the first year students in the laboratory, grades them and facilitates their learning. She is interested in Medicinal Plants use, Sustainable use of resources and Conservation. She is also interested in the Pathophysiology of the diseases and Microbiology. In addition, she is the member of the Global Shapers Community in collaboration with the World Economic Forum. |
Contacts | +266 52213420 / 57527123 |
Name | Ms. Ntsoaki Ramotsoto |
Position | Demonstrator |
Qualifications | B.Sc. Gen. (NUL) |
Short Bio | Ms. Ramotsoto is a Demonstrator in the Department of Biology, supervising First years Laboratory sessions. |
Contacts | +266 52213420 / 57410397 |
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
Name | Prof. H.M. Alemu (PhD) |
Position | Professor |
Qualifications | PhD |
Short Bio | Prof. Alemu teaches Physical Chemistry. His research interests are in Electrochemistry (ion and electron transfer at liquid/liquid interfaces, electrode kinetics and electrocatalysis, Electroanalytical Chemistry (modified electrodes,flow-injection analysis at conventional and screen printed electrodes), Material Science (synthesis of nano-materials, characterization and applications)and Environmental Electrochemistry (determination of heavy metals, fluoride, etc.). |
Contacts | / +266 5221 3500 |
Name | Prof. ’Mantoa Sekota |
Position | Associate Professor |
Qualifications | BSc. (NUL), BSc Honours (Rhodes SA), PhD (Rhodes SA) |
Short Bio | Associate Professor MantoaSekota is an associate professor of chemistry. She teaches inorganic chemistry and introduction organometallic chemistry at undergraduate level. She also teaches advanced inorganic chemistry and organometallic chemistry at post-graduate level (MSc), and General Chemistry at year 1 level.
Her research expertizeinclude, synthesis and characterization ofphthalocyanines and porphyrines for application in chemical sensors and biosensors. She has successfully supervised undergraduate and post-graduate students and collaborated with researchers locally and internationally. She has published more than ten peer reviewed publications. She has externalized some MSc and PhD Theses and peer reviewed journal publications and proposals for research grants. She has held several administrative positions including Coordinator of Pre-entry science programme, Deputy Dean and acting Dean (FOST). She is currently the chairperson of NUL admission committee. She is a member of African Laser Center (ALC),She is a member of Lesotho Chemical Management Committee and a member of Stockholm Convention’s Persistent Organic Pollutants Committee (PORC) representing SADC region and Africa. She is a chairperson of Women in Science Engineering and Technology (WISET), Lesotho Chapter. |
Contacts | / +266 52213501 / 53188246 |
Name | Prof. G.C. Alemayehu |
Position | Associate Professor |
Qualifications | PhD |
Short Bio | Prof. Alemayehu teaches organic Chemistry. His research interests are in Natural products chemistry. |
Contacts | |
Name | Dr. Thimothy M. Thamae |
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc (NUL), BSc. Hons (UCT), PhD (Queen’s) |
Short Bio | Dr. Thamae teaches Chemical Engineering courses under the Chemical Technology program of the Department. His research interests are in Engineered and Artificial Stones, Natural Fibre Composites and Ceramics and he has published widely in these areas. He is the coordinator of NUL Innovations Committee which oversees innovation activities of the NUL Innovation Hub, among others. His leadership of the NUL Innovation Hub and interest in commercialisation of university derived knowledge has seen tens of start-up companies forming and their products joining the mainstream markets in Lesotho. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3504 |
Name | Prof. Mosotho George |
Position | Associate Professor |
Qualifications | BSc & BSc Hons (NUL), MSc & PhD (University of Johannesburg) |
Short Bio | I teach Analytical Chemistry, Modern Separations and Research Methods at Under/Postgraduate levels. Research interests include chemical education, science & technology policy, separation science in particular applications of chromatography and mass spectrometry in drug-drug interactions with reference to traditional medicines with TB and ARV drugs. I have collaborations in several universities in the region, in particular University of Johannesburg where I hold a position of Visiting Research Fellow since 2018. In 2017, I received Meritorious Award (Minister of Science and Technology) and Excellence Awards (NUL Vice Chancellor) respectively for promotion of science, technology and innovation in the University and country at large. I led a ProVerde Laboratory, a subsidiary of a US-based lab as a Founding Director and Chief Scientist
I hold membership of numerous professional societies: SACI, SEANAC, ChromSA, SAAMS, just to mention a few. I am founding President of the Chemical Society of Lesotho. I serve(d) in numerous committees/boards in and outside of the University including LSI, Smart Partnership Hub, OPCW National Authority, and the 13th NUL Council. I have presented over 50 papers in conferences/symposia and published close to 50 articles in international and regional journals (see my GoogleScholar account on: |
Contacts | / +266 5221 3502 |
Name | Mr. N.M. Khoabane (MSc) |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | M. Sc. |
Short Bio | Mr. Khoabane teaches Analytical Chemistry. His research interests are in Wastewater treatment requires rapid and simple methods for determination of pollutants, especially those pollutants of human faecal origin. Tryptophan and tyrosine are highly fluorescent amino acids that are always present in faecal matter. There is a possibility of using tryptophan and tyrosine to monitor faecal pollution of water sources using fluorescence spectroscopy.
His current research interest centres on developing analytical methods based on fluorescence spectroscopy to be used as a rapid and simple tool for monitoring faecal pollution of water resources. |
Contacts | |
Name | Dr. Mohau Moshoeshoe |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (NUL), M.Sc. and PhD (UB, Botswana) |
Short Bio | Dr. Moshoeshoe is an analytical chemistry lecturer at NUL. His research interests are mainly on the water resources, water use and waste management. In particular, he focuses on the availability of clean water, concentrating on the cleaning and recycling of available water sources and the recycling and application of waste material in the production of potable water. His research interests are in conjunction with the 6th UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which seeks to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. The availability of water will also benefit the agricultural sector, contributing directly to the 2nd and the 1st UN Sustainable Development Goals in the provision of adequate food for all and the elimination of poverty throughout the whole world.
Dr Moshoeshoe has conducted research on the development of simple methods for the determination of water pollutants, including biomarkers which can be used for the determination and/or tracing of water pollution. In addition, Dr Moshoeshoe is a fellow of the Organisation of Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and has participated in the proficiency tests. He is also a member of the African Network of Analytical Chemists (SEANAC) and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SUSANA). |
Contacts | +266 22213555 / 62203661 |
Name | Dr. Mohale Benedict Mabaleha |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc. in Biology & Chemistry (NUL), MSc. Chemistry (UB, Botswana), PhD. Chemistry (UFS, RSA) |
Dr. Mabaleha is a lecturer in organic chemistry. He teaches organic chemistry courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He also supervises students in projects related to organic/ natural products (medicinal chemistry). His research interests are in phytochemical investigations of psychoactive and anti-cancerous Lesotho medicinal plants (including bioassay-guided isolation of active compounds). He is also interested in Chemistry of lipids; characterization of fixed and essential oils. |
Contacts | +266 52213511 / +266 62020261 |
Name | N.F. Lesotho |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | M.Sc. |
Short Bio | Lesotho teaches organic Chemistry. |
Contacts | |
Name | Mrs. Itumeleng Seotsanyana-Mokhosi |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc, PGCE, BSc (Hons), MSc |
Short Bio | Mrs. Seotsanyana-Mokhosi teaches Inorganic Chemistry and General Chemistry. Her research interests are in Synthesis and characterisation of binuclear metallophthalocyanines for development of sensors. Investigation of kinetic mechanisms on substitution behaviour or inorganic and organometallic complexes. Components of teas and herbs and their extraction kinetics. |
Contacts | |
Name | Dr. Emmanuel B. Tanor |
Position | Senior Lecturer & Head of Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology |
Qualifications | MSc (Kishinev), PhD (Kishinev) |
Short Bio | Dr. Tanor teaches courses in Inorganic Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Cleaner Technology/Green Chemistry. His research interests are in Water Quality, Environmental Quality and Solid Waste Management. |
Contacts | / +266 5221 3503 |
Name | Dr. Manoharan K Pillai |
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Qualifications | Ph.D (NUS, Singapore), M.Phil (Madras University), B.Ed (Madras University), M.Sc (Madurai Kamaraj University), B.Sc (Madurai Kamaraj University) |
Short Bio
Dr. Pillai teaches Organic Chemistry. His research interests are in the Natural Products Chemistry on the isolation, characterisation and evaluation of extracts/pure compounds for various biological and pharmacological activities. |
Contacts | +266-5221 3499 /5394 6332 |
Name | Innocent Hapazari |
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Qualifications | MSc. Materials Engineering (UCT, RSA), BSc(Hon) Applied Chemistry (NUST, Zim) |
Short Bio | Lectures/Teaches: Materials Engineering/Science & Chemical Engineering; Business & Operations Management; & Occupational Hygiene & Safety.
Research Interests: Materials Engineering/Science & Social Sciences |
Contacts | +266 5221 3461 / 59037230 |
Name | Dr. Tebello Mahamo |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc. (UCT), BSc (Hon) (UCT), MSc (UCT), PhD (UCT/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). |
Short Bio | Dr. Mahamo is a lecturer in chemistry and teaches General Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. She also supervises projects at undergraduate as well as MSc. level. Her research interests are in the areas of organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis. Dr. Mahamo is also interested in the advancement of science and making science accessible to the general public through platforms such as the Chemical Society of Lesotho, Lesotho Young Academy of Science and Lesotho Academy of Science and Technology. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3498 / 5662 5750 |
Department of Geography and Environmental Science |
Name | Prof. Vusi I. Mashinini |
Position | Professor & Head of Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences |
Qualifications | B.A (NUL), MDS. (The Hague), Dip PGC Int. S (Enschede), PhD. (UOFS) |
Short Bio | Professor Vusi Mashinini has a BA Degree from the National University of Lesotho; a Masters Degree in Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague in Holland. He then proceeded to do a PhD at the University of The Orange Free State in South Africa. He is a Full Professor and the Head of Department in the Department of Geography and Environmental Science at the National University of Lesotho.
His teaching and research interest areas are in Environmental Management & Planning; Political Ecology; Development Geography; Political Geography; Rural Development and Planning; Public Participation; and Higher Education Management. He has published widely in these areas. His latest publications are, interalia, Restructuring at the National University of Lesotho (2019); The National University of Lesotho and its Impacts on Street Vending Enterprises in the Roma Region (2019); Universal Old Age Pension and its Spatial Impacts on Livelihoods in Lesotho (2019); Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Lesotho: Prospects and Challenges (2019). |
Contacts | +266 5221 3736 |
Name | Prof. R.C. Leduka |
Position | Associate Professor |
Qualifications | B.A URP (NUL), M.Phil. (Edinburgh), PhD (Wales, Cardiff) |
Short Bio | Prof. Leduka teaches Principles of Planning for Environmental Sciences, Project Planning and Implementation, Project Planning and Implementation for Environmental Sciences, and Urban Geography. He is a member of the Association of African Planning Schools (AAPS) and International Research Group on Law and Urban Space (IRGLUS). His research focuses on Urban Informality, Urban Land Policy, Urban Planning, Urban Governance and Urban Waste Management. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3456 |
Name | Dr. M. Masopha |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.SC. Ed. (NUL) PGC Hydrology (Padua), MSc Hydrology (Galway), PhD (London) |
Short Bio | Dr. Masopha teaches Principles of Hydrology, Water Resources and Environmental Quality. His research focuses on Hydrology, Integrated Water Resources Management and Water Quality. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3869 |
Name | Dr. M. Mphale |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.A URP (NUL), M.A (British Columbia), PhD (Wales, Bangor) |
Short Bio | Dr. Mphale teaches Quantitative Techniques, Research Methods and Population Geography. His research focuses on Livelihoods and Wetlands Management, Human and Environment Inter-relationships, Compensation and Social Protection and Climate Change and Adaptation. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3457 |
NAME | Mr. Molapo Ntaote |
DESIGNATION | Lecturer |
Mr. Ntaote teaches Urban Development Planning and Housing, Spatial Organisation and Analysis, and Advanced Human Environmental Systems. He is representative of NUL on Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) – Southern Africa Node. His research interests include Urban Form, Urban Morphology and Housing and Planning Issues. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3540 / 63004800 |
Name | Mrs. Joalane M. Marunye |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc. (NUL), RMTC (Cairo), PGD (Cairo), BSc, Honours (UP), MSc (UEA) |
Short Bio | Mrs. Marunye teaches Advanced Physical Environmental Systems, Agro-meteorology, Synoptic Climatology and Meteorology and Climatology. She is a member of the Committee of Environmental Standards (Ministry of Trade). Her research focuses on Science of Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3736 |
Name | Mr. S.N. Takalimane |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc. Ed. (NUL), BSc Honours (Stellenbosch University), MSc (UOFS) |
Short Bio | Mr. Takalimane teaches Introduction to Cartography, Introduction to GIS, Environmental Science, Advanced GIS, Land Evaluation and Environmental Assessment. His research focuses on GIS, Remote Sensing and Water Resources. |
Contacts | |
Name | Mrs. M. Majara-Ramoholi |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BA. URP (NUL), MCRP (UCT) |
Short Bio | Mrs. Majara-Ramoholi teaches Environmental Policy, Natural Resource Management Techniques, Environmental Science Special Topics and Rural and Regional Development Planning. Her research focuses on Waste Management, Human and Environment Inter-relationships, Climate Change and Adaptation, Urban Informality and Urban Planning. |
Contacts | |
Name | Mr. S. Mallane |
Position | Principal Lab Technician |
Qualifications | B.Sc. (NUL) |
Short Bio | Mr. Mallane is involved in laboratory-based work in the department of Geography. |
Contacts | |
Name | Mr. M. Masotsa |
Position | Lab Technician |
Qualifications | B. Sc. NUL |
Short Bio | Mr. Masotsa is involved in laboratory-based work in the department of Geography. |
Contacts | |
Name | Mrs. M. Majara-Ramoholi |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BA. URP (NUL) MCRP (UCT) |
Short Bio | Mrs. Majara-Ramoholi teaches Environmental Policy, Principles of Planning, Planning Graphics, Planning Policy and Practice as well as Rural and Regional Development Planning. Her research focuses on Waste Management, Human and Environment Inter-relationships, Climate Change and Adaptation, Urban Informality and Urban Planning. |
Contacts | |
Name | Mr. Tumisang Ntlaloe |
Position | Part-time Lecturer |
Qualifications | B.A URP (NUL) MSc. DP (University of the Witwatersrand) |
Short Bio
Mr. Ntlaloe teaches Rural Geography, Political Geography and Regional Geography of Southern Africa. His research interests are in competitive cities, equitable urban development and advocacy planning. He is a member of the Lesotho Town and Country Planning Institute. |
Contacts | +266 5221 3878 / 58735526 |
Name | Dr. ‘Mamohau Thamae (née Khoboso Seutloali) |
Position | Lecturer |
Qualifications | BSc (NUL), BSc Honours (UKZN), MSc (UKZN), PhD (UKZN) |
Short Bio | Dr Thamae is currently a lecturer in the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences and a second year tutor in the Faculty of Science and Technology. Her expertise lies in Geomorphology, with particular emphasis on soil erosion assessment, mapping and monitoring. Her focus in recent years has been on the use of remote sensing techniques for mapping soil erosion to understand its spatial distribution. Her emerging niche areas include rehabilitation, prevention and management of land degradation.
Dr Thamae has more than 5 years’ experience in tertiary education and has co-supervised and graduated 1 PhD, 1 Masters, and 3 Honours students. She has published more than 10 articles in ISI journals and also acts as a reviewer in several scientific journals, as well as reviewing applications for several funding organizations. She is a member of South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP), |
Contacts | +266 52213873 / 59046900 |